Monday, April 23, 2018

Weekend Recap

Oh my goodness, it was a fun one!

Friday, was the Auburn University fashion show that we had been looking forward to since one of my Senior Tiger Eye members asked us. Basically the fashion majors have a senior project of designing a line of clothing and bing them to life at the fashion show for the finale! So fun!

We got to do this along side my friend and coworker, Beth and her little girl, Collins!

She and HM hit it off big time. :) 

Collins has totally got the mod look going!

We practiced on the runway once, and it went smoothly! Sister loved it so much she took it upon herself to make the loop twice. lol

Meanwhile, PaPa picked up Burke from school, where Burke would have a list waiting for him.  
I think PaPa had planned to go to the movies, but there was no time for that according to Burke. lol
(there was a dollar where the tape is. :) He wanted to pay for his ice cream. :) Sorry sweet son, but PaPa lets you pay for nothing. lol)
Apparently the only things they didn't get to were the things that had to take place inside our house because PaPa didn't have a key. Pretty impressive!

Back at the arena, HM and I had hair and make-up around 4:30.

Blush and lipgloss for the littles. :) HM did NOT like the lip gloss... so she sported blush only. 

I can't wait to get some of these pictures back. 

We had quite the wait time... the show didn't start until 8:00pm! Friends, I thought this was going to be a disaster... considering the picture below is what happened around 2pm when my mom and I tried to get her to nap in the car. 

Yeah. Scares you too, huh? hahaha

BUT, I released power and said "whatever happens, happens," and let the Lord take the wheel. 
Well, he came in the form of Aubie. haha

Sister is the blur below. haha

He was backstage the entire show, and the little girls got to play and climb all over him! I mean... her hair was falling down by the end, but it's better than a sleeping or screaming model, right?

When sister took the stage and I was so proud! She was fearless, and had so much fun!


Here is her little walk!

We could not have made better memories that night together. We had a ball!

We are at the end of that video. Sister was having the time of her life dancing the runway on the final walk! lol

Carrie-Grace was the designer (and handmade!) my dress. I loved how classy it was!
(Beth and me. ^
She had already changed!)

 A sweet girl, named Kristen, made HM's! I adore the high-low look for a flower girl!

They are so talented, right?!
Designer to the right^^^

We got home suuuuper late, and took our time getting going the next morning. HM and I traveled to Wetumpka to watch a baton competition go down and support some people when know!
Guess who wanted to compete?

Next year we may give it a try! THAT will be hilarious!

That afternoon, we came home, and relaxed with the rest of the crew. We also made time for some chick play and a little Shou Su Giban... oh just wait... I will explain in a later post. Let just say Ryan has the most interesting hobbies.

Sunday morning, we went to church, but only for sister and I to return quickly because she had a cough that was persistent. So we had Sunday school at home. :)

It was a wonderfully fun weekend that made some sweet memories!

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