Sunday, April 15, 2018

Week/weekend recap

Ahhhh... So, I am going to set a random April 16th resolution and say that I'm going to try to get on the posting everyday bandwagon. I think I can, I think I can... :)

Sooooo since I haven't documented since Easter, here is a little catch-up sesh. 

I started teaching group baton classes at our local park and rec! They are going so great. What is it about new twirlers that gets me so excited?! I love their excitement and honestly, their timidity. To see them grow in confidence is a blessing! Sharing my love of the sport is so rewarding in so many ways! We will see where this goes!

The kids have had dentist appointments (where they marveled at HM's change of bite... yep. Sister went from underbite to completely normal in 6 mths. Her mouth/jaw wasn't finished changing I suppose!) Hip-hip hooray for at least one child with less ortho. (SO SORRY BURKE... I'm pretty sure your journey will start in about a year.)

(Burke's 3D X-ray)

 No cavities for these clowns!

Sister and I have loved our {slightly} spring Wednesday and Friday mornings after dropping B to school. (Monday's are for ballet and distributing our church's alter flowers to those needing a little happy to start their week!)

I would say some of her favorite times on these days are when she catches a cat in our yard she can befriend. :) The girl loves animals... especially cats. She cries EVERY time they leave the yard or we have to go inside. Animal lover if I've ever seen one!

We had A-day last Saturday, and met our new members on each of the lines! They are required to come in knowing ALL of the pom routines, and these girls did not disappoint... even in the cold and rain!

The kids got to get up close and personal with the band and Aubie on this particular day. So fun!

My good friend, Candice and I registered the boys for 1st grade this week! *Cue tears*

It was fairly painless, but this momma is not ready for public school. I can honestly say we have loved 1/2 day Kindergarten, and I would not take back our afternoons together for the world! While we are counting down the days till the end of the school year, I am also mourning my little boy, our walks to school in the double BOB, the small intimate classroom setting, and the love of FUMK. I know he will not skip a beat as he enters into a new place, and I already have my prayer list ready for the 2018-2019 school year. :)

Meanwhile... sister and Ree had some girl time... I don't think she hated it. hahaha

So stinkin sweet!

In other important news.... our chicks, Cherp and Sophie, are growing like weeds and we are in the planning stages for a coup. That's right... it's getting real folks. I'm fairly impressed with our ability to keep them alive and well. Crossing our fingers that things continue to go well in this department and they don't get eaten the first time we put them outside. We have a few weeks to go before that's tested... thank goodness.

lil momma! ha!

This past weekend, we attended one of Cade's baseball games. This boy is so smart, talented, and kind hearted. We love some Cade Coleman!

We had some down-on-the-farm time,

and wonderful Friday picnics (where did that gorgeous weather go???),

B and HM have gotten to where they play together sooo well. I am so thankful they have each other. Don't get me wrong... they fuss. (See next video ... haha.), but the good times outweighs the rough times 10 fold. For the past weeks they have been spending forever entertaining themselves on the trampoline. :)

Lots of snuggles should also be included in that short list. :)

AND daddy got to attend a little dance class with sister. Recital, here he comes. :)

I hope your weekend (and past week, ha!) was filled with fun and lots of love!

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