Friday, December 9, 2016

Friday Favorites- best friends edition

A late linkup for Friday favorites with Andrea, Narci, and Erica! And I can't help but think of how friendship was the very best FAVORITE of the week.

The latest friends favorite of the night... 
These girls.

It was our annual Christmas Party at the Ernest household (which is always {ALWAYS} stunning).

I am so grateful to have this amazing group of friends in such a close proximity to me. We are all in the crazy mom stage of life and nothing is better than going through it with people who can snap you out of a funk in 1.5 seconds flat. We pray for each other, have playdates with one another, babysit each others kids, share food, laughter, and exercise together... I'm not quite sure I could survive without their friendship. It's hard to believe I've only known them 2 1/2 years... just goes to show you how welcoming they truly are. 

Another FAVORITE was going to McWane with one of those mom friends (of course who is pictured above), and her son Jack. Burke and Jack are two peas in a pod. Their friendship could not be sweeter!


We spent all day here and saw everything there was to see... even the McWane snake! Eek! Both boys touched it!

One of the favorite exhibits was this massive peg board... it was so soothing to play with! I feel we need one asap. haha

It would even capture facial expressions! (Can you tell sister was not happy we pushed her face into it? lol)

Jack and Burke's most favorite part was the zipline. They rode it a bizillian times. :)
Sister wanted to soooo badly. She is fearless I tell you. 

Last, but not least... doing a productive silhouette project was a favorite! They loved their shirts I made... which made the dumb amount of time I spent on them totally worth it. lol

With every project I am learning a lot! So if I was to recreate this shirt, I don't think it would take me any time at all. Yay for kicking that learning curve to the curb! Granted... I still have A LOT to learn with this new machine... it's just a matter of time. 

Happy Weekend Everyone!

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