Friday, May 18, 2018

Friday Favorites- it's before midnight, so it counts. :)

Linking up with Momfessionals, Erica, and Grace and Love for Friday Favorites!

Like everyone else, I'm feeling the overwhelming pressure of all things coming to a head in the month of May. It's not huge big things that have to be done, just all these little things that could turn into a big deal if they don't get done. UGH!
I'm so thankful it's Friday and I have most of Saturday (royal wedding and a royal 3rd b-day party to attend, so fun!) to catch up on things. Sunday is HM's ballet recital and then we roll into the last few days of school (which I'm so ready for, but NOT ready for my little boy to be a K graduate. *give me all the tissues.)

Here are my Friday Favorites! 

1) Visiting our sweet friend, Rachel, at her farm! This lady is amazing. Her and her dad run this large farm (and she works full time as a teacher at the school of the deaf and blind near us. I'm not sure if their FAVORITE part was tasting her strawberries, 

tending to her chickens (I learned so much!), 

or checking out her other livestock!

2) Continued work on the chicken coup area has been a FAVORITE.

We almost had a catastrophe (think chicken getting stuck in a fence and our favorite black cat lurking near by), but crisis was avoided! We are currently babbying them a little and putting them in their brooder at night so that nothing happens. They literally make a ton of noise when they are ready for us to put them up. :) It's kind of sweet. 

However, getting in poison ivy while cleaning out a lot of this area has not been my favorite. Our side yard is covered up with it, so we are currently working on getting rid of all that. :/

3) A FAVORITE this week, was a playdate with HM's ballet buds!

Then our FAVORITE lunch at Chicken Salad Chick.
Girl time at it's finest!

with some grocery shopping in between. :) (Not her favorite, hahaha)

4) Next up, would be getting ready and heading to rehearsal. Absolute FAVORITE.

I asked HM to come let me do her make-up (which consists of blush only).
She says, "No mom, I got dis." I then return to the playroom to find this. 

She had so much fun at rehearsal and kept asking to go back on the "big stage."
I can't wait till Sunday!

 We took at little after rehearsal shot. My FAVORITE girl doing her FAVORITE thing makes us smile big!

She got to pick the dinner spot... and you guessed it, CSC AGAIN.
Her FAVORITE dinner. :)

5) Last but not least, these boys had their last official day on Tumblebus. I'm surprised there were no tears! Mrs. Kitty and Mr. Dan are the most amazing team. The kind of people you wonder if they are real. Always positive, understanding, and the best role models and encouragers for your kids all while being fun!

But seeing these "lasts" come and go, and glimpses of summer fun and easy days ahead has us excited and ready to sleep in... (at least HM... Burke pops up at 6am on the daily).

Oh, how I love when they love on each other.

Happy Weekend, friends! It's going to be a good one!

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