Tuesday, March 20, 2018

What's in your basket?

Ok, so my very favorite holiday is upon us.... EASTER! This season means everything to us! Our family looks forward to celebrating the our risen Savior everyday, but on this particular Sunday, we come together to celebrate the day the stone was rolled away and Jesus was not dead, but more alive than ever! Finally, a king had come to erase all the pain, suffering, and hard ships of this world! Now we can look past death, knowing that he paid His life for all our sins just so that each one of us can be forgiven and live forever in Glory! (Can I get an "amen?"!)

We start Easter morning with the kids excitement over finding their easter basket and the Easter story. We started a little scavenger hunt two years ago, and now Burke has already started talking to it to Hylan Marie. hahaha
So I guess it's officially a tradition! You can see a post about last year's Easter, HERE.

For Easter baskets, I try to keep it simple... something fun, something useful, and I try to put things in their basket that point to the REAL reason Easter is celebrated. And of course, a chocolate bunny or two will always make the basket. (And Sweet-tart Jellybeans... because... BEST. CANDY. EVER.)

Here are a few Easter basket stuffers that mine have either gotten or will be getting this year... and from Amazon. You're welcome. ;)

1) Fruit of the Spirit Plates

They got two last year, and we will be adding two more to the collection this year!
They have all the fruits of the spirit plus some other precious ones for birthday's etc. I love them because they have an image and one of the fruits of the spirit listed on each plate... which leads to great conversation! Our leprechaun even left one this year (because when momma saw it had a rainbow, she couldn't pass it up. :)

2) Movies!
Last year, we added Trolls to our collection. This year, I'm thinking the sweet Peter Rabbit movie or Ferdinand.

3) Books!
Hylan Marie is in love with David Shannon's, No David! So this follow-up to that story is on our way to the house as I type. :)

Burke is getting a REAL Bible this year! I'm really excited about giving this to him... so I don't know if I'm going to let the Easter bunny do this giving. :) I think it would be more appropriate for Ryan and I to share this with him on Easter morning. Never, the less, this is the one I choose after reading lots of reviews. I think he will find the pops of color within the black, white (and red :), to help keep him from getting overwhelmed at the amount of text at this point in his reading ability.

4) And these little things...

We use them almost daily at our table. Sometimes it's in the morning, and sometimes its at dinner, and I can't say enough good things about them! I will say some of the 3-minute devo book readings are a bit over Burke's head, so I choose wisely. I would LOVE more suggestions of kid friendly devotionals! Send them to me friends!

As for these flash cards by EeBoo... BOTH kids love them. I will share a video of them going through a few of them. It sets a great tone for thinking about others.

5) Magnatiles 

We have gotten many different versions of these through the years, and love every one of them! They keep my kids intrigued for longer than I could have imagined!

6) Maybe some new jammies from Kickee Pants, a special outfit or bonnet from TBBC, or some good ole character undies from Amazon will be good fillers if you're at a loss. :)

Don't worry... we only pick about two of these things to go into their baskets... it's not Christmas morning here... and pile some Robin Eggs and Peeps around it and call it a day. :)

I hope this helps anyone looking for some last minute meaningful stuffers, and would love to hear what's in your kid's baskets this year!

*I do get a small commission if you use a link to purchase... however this has never happened and I will believe it when I see it. hahaha!

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