Thursday, April 30, 2015

Another hodgepodge post.

I realized I left off a very important event from the last post!

Summer and I ran/walked the Nemak 5k the morning before recital! It was so much fun, and I'm so thankful for a friend who likes to catch up over a good workout. :)
 We let Burke run to the finish line at the end. 

(Thanks Julie for sending me this pic!)

He LOVES a medal.

I should say medals... with an S. Because Mandy gave him one at our last class together last Monday when handing them out to all the girls who completed the year. She read his mind and dug out a sports themed medal she had. (Daddy may have had a fit if he would have come home with a baton or dance medal. :)

As for WHSW (What He Said Wednesday) that's not being posted till Thursday... oops.... 

Yesterday we were eating dinner and Ryan finished early, got up and walked into the living room.
Me: (Speaking to Ryan) Nooooo don't leave! I need adult conversation!
Burke: What you need momma?
Me: What? (Surprised he was concerned about my needs. lol)
Burke: What do you neeeeeed momma?
Me: Adult conversation, Burke.
Burke: I get it for you...
(B gets up, goes to the dirty dishes pile, and brings me back a dirty Tupperware container that daddy left to be washed.)
Here you go momma!
Me: Perfect.

He is also has been using the word "impossible" out of context and it cracks me up. For example... when we are play fighting or wrestling... he says "YOU IMPOSSIBLE!" 

Also, he has been adding "er" to loud... "That is too louder!"
I can't correct him... it's too cute!


I love being a momma to these two....

Painting on a pretty day!

Disney bands arrived... can you sense the excitement?

And some new bows graced our mailbox. 
I've been reading a new blog my friends Lindsey and Lisa introduced me too, and the momma raves about these bows by Jameson Monroe, so I decided I would take a look!

Big mistake.

So cute for spring!^^^

So many perfect shades...

And polka dots!

And (gasp.) custom designs! 

I love them all, and need an intervention.

Meanwhile, Hylan Marie will be looking adorable.

Happy Thursday!

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