Thursday, May 26, 2011


I had intentions of coming home from our end-of-the year staff party, getting stuff packed for the weekend (Tim and Shanda's shower... yay!),

taking a run, showering, and winding down with the So You Think You Can Dance premier (whoop-whoop).
       Well, that didn't happen.
We're pooped.

I love teaching 5th grade. It's such a memorable year for kids. I actually remember most of my 4th and 5th grade years in school more than any other year of elementary school myself!
But man... I can vouch... as a 5th grade teacher myself, that we don't stop until the kids are on the bus waving goodbye, with crocodile tears in their eyes.
So many extras to plan for... special celebrations, graduation, etc. that I pray I take in what is most important... savoring these last days with them.

“Life is short, God's way of encouraging a bit of focus.” - Robert Brault

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